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Can Hemp Cultivation save us from Climate Change?

Industrial Hemp has industrial strength. As simple as that sounds, there are many eco-friendly alternatives to traditional materials on the market, but few offer the resilience and strength that hemp does. The plant seems to have it all. It can be reused, recycled, and it is entirely biodegradable.

Here are just a few reasons why hemp is so popular:

  • No environmental pollution

  • Significantly reduces deforestation

  • Provides a profitable answer to environmental issues

  • Phytoremediation can remove radioactive elements in both soil and water

  • By reintroducing essential nutrients and nitrogen, hemp enhances the soul it is grown in instead of depleting it


Hemp is rapidly becoming the one-stop answer for many people looking at transforming products into a more eco-friendly option. Whether hemp is used to make plastic or houses, there is potential for hemp to be the poster child for the sustainability model.


The fuel industry is synonymous with waste and toxins. This goes for the pharmaceutical industry as well.

Hemp does not deplete the soil and environment where it grows. Instead, hemp can enrich the soil. Hemp’s fibers are eco-friendly, the cosmetics less toxic to both the skin and environment and hemp-based fuels and medicines more sustainable.

One of the biggest pros on hemp’s side is that its carbon footprint is next to nothing while it can produce almost everything. That is, of course, if sustainable farming practices are used.


Enriches the soil where it grows

Genuinely sustainable farming practices allow the soil to get replenished. Any crop needs water and nutrients, and to be healthy environments for plants and crops, they need to be replenished with these. If they’re not replenished, the soil degrades and becomes polluted. This eventually leads to deforestation, and the ramifications reverberate throughout the land and other food crops.

Can Reduce Carbon Emissions

Hemp uses its natural photosynthesis process to store high amounts of carbon dioxide in its roots, and actual ‘body.’ hemp has been found to take in higher amounts of carbon dioxide than other crops.

Most hemp products are biodegradable, toxin-free, and renewable. And because of these characteristics, hemp products can usually be placed in your very own compost bin. It is a healthy addition to a landfill, where they can decompose without lasting adverse effects.


Water is a hot topic when it comes to sustainable alternatives. Many seemingly sustainable suggestions need plenty of water (nut milk, for one). Hemp typically has an enlarged taproot. These roots are capable of growing deep into the soil, seeking water and nutrients. Why is this important? Because of its root system, the hemp plant could not only penetrate more in-depth for more nutrients and water, but it even penetrates deep into the groundwater where essential nutrients could have leaked. Compared to crops like cotton, hemp uses one-third of the amount of water.

Can be Made into Biofuel.

The race for finding sustainable biofuel is on. The fuel industry cannot sustain the current demand for much longer, and many nations are scrambling to decrease reliance on fossil fuels.

Using hemp to produce fuel, the industry could become 85% greener than the existing petroleum model. Researchers found hemp gasoline has an efficiency that is 95% higher than gasoline.

Carbon Neutral Buildings

Hemp can be used to create a carbon-neutral alternative to traditional building materials, including:

  • Pressboard

  • Flooring

  • Walling

  • Concrete

  • Insulation

High Yields from Small Spaces

One of the largest cons for most sustainable alternatives is the space and amount of land these crops can take. The hemp crop takes a different approach. Not only is hemp an adaptable crop, i.e., it can grow in a variety of different temperatures and conditions, but if tended correctly, it can thrive in smaller spaces.

Farmers could potentially reduce the land usage while maintaining an even higher yield.

So far, the main con is centered around the farming practice used for the crop. For any crop or plant to be environmentally sustainable, agriculturalists should adopt responsible agricultural practices.

It seems hemp deserves its title of environmental wonder child. However, the farmers and agriculturists need to hold themselves accountable for the possible adverse effects. All aspects from water usage to equipment could have detriments to the environment. But is that a reflection of the hemp plant? No. By nature, hemp is an excellent advocate for sustainability. How it is farmed is the most crucial aspect. As long as farmers and producers are held accountable and use sustainable practices, hemp could enjoy a long reign as an environmental wonder child.

Cannabis Tech